Personal Biodata
Name: Mosses E. Lufuke
Gender: Male
Nationality: United Republic of Tanzania
Office Contacts

Mr. Mosses E. Lufuke

Assistant Lecturer

About Mosses

Lufuke joined the University of Dodoma in 2010. He is a specialist in Open Macroeconomics at the Department of Economics and Statistics (DES), and was also a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Rural Development Planning. He holds Master of Science in International Economic Policy and Analysis from the University of Westminster (London, UK), Master of International Trade (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) and Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania).

Additionally he serves as the member of Society of Business Economists-SBE (UK). He is also a consultant specifically in the areas of Appraisal and Evaluation of economic and public policies. His research expertise and interests include Applied International Trade and Factor Mobility, Economics of Regional Integrations, Economic Policy and Cost/Benefit Analyses.