Personal Biodata
Name: Barnabas Msolini Msongaleli
Gender: Male
Nationality: United Republic of Tanzania
Office Contacts

Dr. Barnabas Msolini Msongaleli


About Barnabas

Dr Msongaleli serves as a Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Dodoma in Tanzania. He joined academia thirteen years ago (2010) from the central government where he worked for seven years as a research scientist with the Department of Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security. He holds BSc, MSc and PhD all degrees obtained from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. His areas of interest in teaching, research and consultancy are at the nexus of climate change, natural resources, and environmental management. He has participated in some projects e.g. Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) - East Africa Chapter and has published some articles within this nexus. He is married and a father of three sons and a daughter.