Personal Biodata
Name: Isaac Onoka
Gender: Male
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Mr. Isaac Onoka

About Isaac

Isaac Onoka is currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Chemistry, University of Dodoma. He also works as an assistant lecturer in Chemistry at the University. Isaac’s research interest is on the chemical profiling of methamphetamine for both evidential and intelligence purpose. He is using a broad background range of analytical instruments such as GC and GC/MS, HPLC and ICP-OES. Isaac has also worked as a research scholar at the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea where he gained experience in materials characterization using SEM, TEM, and XRD.

Prior to his studies, Isaac served as the Head of Department of Chemistry, University of Dodoma, Tanzania. He holds a Masters of Materials Science and Engineering from Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology.