CPA Mwanjaa Lyezia
I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Directorate of Finance. The Directorate of Finance is responsible to provide you with guidances and solutions on all financial matters.
CPA Mwanjaa Lyezia
I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Directorate of Finance. The Directorate of Finance is responsible to provide you with guidances and solutions on all financial matters.
Chuo Kikuu Cha Dodoma (UDOM) kupitia hospitali yake iliyopo Ndaki ya....Read More
Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma (UDOM) kwa kushirikiana na Chuo cha Utawala....Read More
Baraza za Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma, tarehe 03 Machi lilianza mafunzo....Read More
Mkuu wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma, Mhe. Stergomena Lawrence Tax (Mb),....Read More